Rauch Geothermics GmbH
I-39010 Nals/Nalles (BZ)
Vilpianerstr. 6
TAX ID 02491470213
Phone (+39) 0471 677008
Fax (+39) 0471 678484
As soon as all authorizations are available, drilling can begin. This is a decisive phase of the project: the first well shows whether the rock layers and the water are actually hot enough and whether capacity is adequate – in other words, whether sufficient water can flow through the rock. Depending on the depth and type of well, this requires an investment of between three and five million euros.
An intelligent drilling strategy vastly increases the chances of profitable operations. A location cannot always be reached by drilling vertically, in which case we use directional drilling to drill "around the corner". This drilling technology is ideal for geothermal energy. It allows the geologists to drill several wells from one central location and create branches. Tapping a well from several sides in this way can vastly increase the productiveness of the heat source and optimise the power plant yield right from the outset. From the very start, Rauch Geothermics ensures that only top international drilling technology is used at its sites. This work is supervised by experts who have worked in the oil and natural gas sector thus drilling to depths of up to 5,000 metres.