Rauch Geothermics GmbH
I-39010 Nals/Nalles (BZ)
Vilpianerstr. 6
TAX ID 02491470213
Phone (+39) 0471 677008
Fax (+39) 0471 678484
Based on current scientific findings and public discussion, other laws to strengthen and promote the position of renewable energies can be expected.
Parallel to these developments, awareness of the inter-dependence of peace, security and energy supply is growing among politicians, the general public, and
in the media. Continuously rising oil and electricity prices and war in several oil-producing regions have made the Western world realise just how dependent it is on oil and gas. Besides, the world's constantly growing energy consumption over the last decades has produced so much CO2 that we are now suffering the first disastrous impacts of a climate change we ourselves have induced.
The growing awareness for these problems has caused people to look for alternatives and created a willingness to back renewable energies. Join Rauch Geothermics follows a path that is ecologically sensible and economically secure.